About Nogaps Music

About Nogaps Music

I live on the beautiful Isle of Skye in the Highlands of Scotland.

My aim is to write feel good passionate and exciting music tracks, and then frame them with beautiful videography from some of the best videographers in the world. I lead a very busy family and business life, trying to make vacationer's holidays happy in the Summer seasons, whilst dipping a toe into the creation business on the long dark winter nights here on Skye.

To help bring my music to life, I have been lucky enough to find some equally talented music professionals who share my passion for music, both as an antidote to worries, and as an empowerment to spark action and strength through emotion. The power of music and video, cannot be under estimated for mental well-being.
What is even better in todays world, is that our co-operation in production, is completely International. Music has no boundaries, beauty has no boundaries.
I hope you find the music and videos packed with Action, Beauty, Love, Intrigue and Compassion........

Oh yes, I almost forgot ...Why the name Nogaps Music? - well Nogaps became my nickname with my musician friends when I was so much younger. If there was a space, a few bars missing or some lyrics needing penning, for a composition, they said "Jonny will fill that"! and so Jonny Nogaps became my nickname. He he, it has stuck ever since. I am use to it now, but find a few dental practices googling some of my addresses just out of interest!! 

Why "Breakaway" ?    - my first song as Nogaps Music? (Wegbrachen)

The Story - A young girl, suffering abuse as a child, finds solace and escape in her play with the help her toy horses. The inference of the video is that Horses have special powers, and with their help, she breaks free of her abusive past and escapes into a happy life.
Not so whimsical as you think. Having owned and loved a horse for 25years I soon realised there is a hidden strength to be unlocked  through connecting with them. It's a relationship that makes both horse and rider feel special.

Why Do I Love Horses ?

They are a reflection of us, always honest (if not always obedient hehe!). They always appear child like, loving, naughty? happy, peaceful, strong and magical. I was lucky to share a relationship with one where we learnt (sometimes the hard way) our faults and or strengths together. We respected each other for what we were and shared many moments, like laying together, snoring, full of the spring grass in a lush field, like riding through country lanes and feeling high on the early morning air, and then play fighting (a rub and duff up!) after a ride and before being turned out to pasture with a treat!.
I hope you like it. The song starts a minute or so in because you have to appreciate the context of it!

Watch Breakaway

 Links to a few example of my earlier Action Espionage and Feel Good You Tube Videos are below

Action - Mr Bond would be pleased

 Action packed chase and intrigue. 

Feel Good

 Feel Good is back
Amazing world scenery

 Love Compassion Beauty

Love beauty and drama
Jon describes Nogaps Music as

"My Little Pony meets James Bond"

The "Persuaders Return" - a tribute to the series
 "The Persuaders"

(Jon's other Mustangs)

"Delta Zero"

Will AI and human combine ?

 "The Edge of the Word"

Globe trotting fantasy feel good

Thanks for dropping in!!    Jonny!


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